Saturday, June 18, 2011


One of the most devastating conditions that can occur to a woman in her lifetime is to start to have thinning hair. Men take it in stride and go about business as normal.
Hair loss in women is discussed like being gay before the late 20th century; it is discussed in the closet. Women are more sensitive to their hair loss than men, therefore when they start losing it; she could feel she is on an emotional roller coaster.
If you are a women and losing your hair, here are some of the emotions you could be going through and some suggestions on how you can get off of this roller coaster.
The Emotions
Some of the emotions women report going through when they start seeing their hair fall out are numerous. The most numerous types of emotions reported are: 
  • Frustration- Women can develop a feeling of frustration when they start losing their hair because it is not widely known that women can develop a hair loss problem. Plus whom do you turn to; men have many resources to turn to, but women do not have many such resources.
  • Embarrassment- A woman will feel this especially if she thinks everyone is looking at her thinning hair. With this emotion a woman would also start to worry about how to cover up her hair loss up. Covering it up is much easier for women than men.
  • Feel Older- We all age, that is one of the things in life that we can all expect. But when a woman starts to lose her hair, she gets the feeling of being older than she really is, and woman definitely do not want to feel or look older than they really are.
  • Other Emotions- Some other emotions women may experience with hair loss are depression, and poor self-esteem.
How To Get Off The Emotional Roller Coaster
In today's world there are many avenues you can take to solve your hair loss problems. The first step to take is to determine the cause of your hair loss problem.

To help determine the cause of your hair loss find a good dermatologist. The dermatologist you seek should have the following qualifications: 
  • Board Certified- Ensure your dermatologist specializes in hair treatment and is board certified. This will mean that they are well qualified for their specialty in dermatology.
  • Female- Not only should the dermatologist be board certified, but also the dermatologist should be a female. This is important because she will also understand the emotions you are going through.
After determining the cause of your loss, your dermatologist will give you direction on stopping your hair loss. This could include a wide range of actions such as changing your oral contraceptive, using certain medicines; changing your diet or even using federally approved medicines.

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